I am musing about....
I have a feeling that most of you moms are like me...in preparation mode! Preparing our homes for family festivities; planning menues, prepping food, wrapping gifts, making lists, washing linnens, baking goodies, shopping (by car or by click), adding decorating touches here and there...the list goes on.
We prepare with excitement and anticipation as we look forward to our door swinging wide open as we welcome our dear ones home.
Our minds may be in overdrive and our "candles burning at both ends", but we are motivated by the joy of having our family assembled together once again.
So as I take a break from the wrapping, and sit down at my laptop, my mind goes to this idea of "preparation".
Am I preparing my heart daily for the time to come, when our King, our Heavenly Father will swing open the glories of Heaven and welcome us each home, into the joys that He has been preparing for us. Does not His Word share that "In my Father's house are many mansions; I am going there to prepare a place for you" (John 14:2}
And if any of you dear readers, have not yet swung your heart's door open to your Savior, may I humbly entreat you, this Christmas season, to take advantage of the best gift of all times? The gift that God provided all mankind when He sent His only Son, Jesus, on that first Christmas night. He came to this earth, and took on full humanity, while maintaining His full Divinity. He walked a perfect and exemplary life, experienced ridicule, shame, grief and pain and ultimately gave His life and shed His blood for you and for me to fulfil His Father's plan for the redemption of all mankind. He arose from the dead, defeating sin and death for all time! And this plan of salvation can now become your reality, if you would but prepare your self for the day you will meet Him, by giving yourself, through faith and by His grace, to Him.
And then the glory that awaits, as this amazing present becomes real to you in the form of His loving presence, His Holy Spirit, dwelling within you; to lead and to bless! The joy that awaits you is beyond description. As the hymn writer states "I can not tell how precious the Savior is to me, I only can entreat you to come and taste and see."
So, come and see dear ones...that the Lord is good.
Come. let us adore Him.
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Give Him your heart and enter into preparation mode!
Make ready your heart for the King!
(I would encourage you to start reading His Word, find a Bible believing church in your area or to reach out to someone that you know is serving Jesus to find out more of this way of salvation! And if you do not know who to ask, feel free to private message me).
And I want to acknowlege too, that there may be many of you who are struggling in one way or another. Maybe family will not be gathering, maybe there will be a vacancy at the table because of one you loved greatly who has now passed on. Maybe there is just not enough hours in the day, or money in the bank to get it all done the way you had hoped. Maybe there is illness or disability, or relational struggles.
I know this all can be real.
I pray that amidst such challenges, that the love of Jesus will provide you with comfort, peace, solace and hope as you consider the glorious Gospel message, that is paramount and center in the beautiful message of Christmas....
That our God has made eternal preparation
for you and for me!
Merry Christmas dear ones!!
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