I am musing about....
wishing you all, my dear readers, a...
Happy New Day
a Happy New Year!!
There is something about the marking of time that reigns significant within the human spirit!
I think we all appreciate a new opportunity, a chance to reflect and evaluate, an obvious way to acknowledge the passing of time.
There is something redeeming about a new year. A new chance. A time to "start over" if you will, to approach life afresh.
But there is where I want to take this, dear readers.
Are not God's mercies new every morning?
Is His grace not there for us each and every day anew??
How good He is!
How understanding and generous as He promises, we His struggling creation, to be there for us, time and again, with an outpouring of His "steadfast love" and an abundance of His available help and grace!
He does not give up on us. His love never runs out. It is fresh every morning (actually every moment). It is there for the taking. We just need to humble ourselves, recognize our need, and reach out and take. Gratefully. Of His mercy and His grace. His power and His love.
I know that for many, 2022 has been a doozy of a year. So many have suffered in one way or another. It has been a year of difficulty in many ways for many people. We too have had some challenges this past year. For sure. But we all, as God's children, can attest to His faithfulness through it all. We may not always understand. Things can be hard and can hurt. But we all can look forward to the new year and each new day with renewed gratefulness. Because of the hope and the purpose that we find in Him!
So Happy New Day dear ones. And Happy New Year! May 2023 be a good one. A wonderful one. As you (and each of us) continue to grow in His love, understanding, joy and ways....
with each New Day!!
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Lam. 3:22-24
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