I am musing about...
June bugs in July.
I am ready for them to think it is....well, let's say September. Whenever it is that means they are gone.
They can be downright annoying. Almost frightening.
I just got in from a walk around the neighborhood. It is almost 9:30. A good time to take a walk after a hot summer day. Things have cooled down a bit, it is quiet and peaceful outside, the stars twinkle in the night sky, the occasional sounds of children laughing and playing together during this more relaxed season of warmth and fun, ....what is there not to love about small town life in the summer?
June bugs :)
(and yes, I know that they exist in places other then "small towns" :) )
Tonight on my walk, I felt almost attacked. You see, I walk with lights held in each hand. A safety thing. Helping me to be seen while also lighting my way. But...you guessed it, the light attracts bugs. They were buzzing around my ears, flying into my face, bumping into me...annoying. Even alarming at times.
And so it is, when we are earnestly contending to shine our light for Jesus, it can have the effect at times, of drawing attacks from the enemy. The evil one does not like light. He does not like it when Jesus is being glorified and proclaimed, when light is drawing attention to His goodness.
So just be aware. This will happen at times. You will feel "attacked". You will be pestered. The enemy will want you to "go inside", to "hide your light under a bushel", to keep to yourself. And worse... to keep the Good News to yourself.
But let's not let him. Let's keep walking, holding on to God's light, letting Him light our way, persevering by His grace through the annoyances, the challenges, the pain, the hard, the temptations, the attacks.
No matter if it is July or June, or anytime in between.
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