I am meditating on....
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
Have you ever felt God opening a door for you, and found yourself walking through it and into a place that you never thought you would be? A good place, but a new challenge, nonetheless.
Have you ever felt peaceful about saying yes to an opportunity, only to find yourself asking..."What did I just sign up for?"
Such has happened to me recently.
I know that the LORD has provided an opportunity that can only be from Him! I feel peaceful, needy and excited. I am thankful, but somewhat apprehensive.
It is one of those times, when I know that God has shown me a path and has kindly and yet decisively placed me upon it, carried me there on the "wings of prayer".
So, as I sat in my car in front of a park, prior to showing up for my "first day", the LORD provided the perfect verse. Once again. A verse that I want to share with you. Because don't we all find ourselves, at times, in places of peaceful uncertainty? A place where we "know God wants us" but we are unsure of what all lies ahead? A place that we recognize is "too big" for just us, but "just the right size" when we include our Father God into the space?
I am reminded of the quote from Billy Graham, "God will never lead you to where His grace can not sustain us." Or another quote with the same notion; "God equips the called".
Oh God's beautiful grace! How we need it, day by day. Knowing that when we lean into Him, we will find just what we need just when we need it.
It does not mean that everything will go smoothly, or easily. But it does mean that He will show up. That He will be there. That He is going to use the experience to fulfil His purpose.
The verse, He beautifully gave me was this....
"Now the God of peace himself, sanctify you completely. And may your spirit, soul and body be kept sound and blameless for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it" 1 Thes. 5:23
Don't you love that?
God is a giver of peace, He cares for all dimensions of our being; our mind, body and soul.
He is a sanctifier. I am expecting that He has some teaching and refining that He plans to do in me through this opportunity. I know I am in need of it. He has already shown me an area that needs His touch, His perspective. I know my weaknesses, and will likely come to know them even better.
He is able to keep us, sound and blameless...only by His grace. I looked up the word "sound" in the Greek (Thayer's Greek Lexicon) and found this; "to be well, in good health, to have opinions that are free from any mixture of error".
And don't you just love the end of this verse?
He who calls us will "do it". As I lean into and trust in my provider God, HE will carry me, HE will provide, HE will actually DO it! How exciting and freeing this Truth is!
How we rejoice when He gives us opportunities to use our gifts, talents and education in ways that will help others! It is so humbling! May we keep our love for Him and His creation foremost in our minds, as we serve.
May we all rest in this promise today, as we go forth, into the paths and the places that He is calling us each into. All for his purpose and His glory!
Each of you are blessed with amazing God given gifts and talents. I know He calls each of His children into an aspect of service that He has just for them. So God bless you dear ones. Take courage. You are loved. You are equipped. And you are carried. By His grace. Today, claim with me, the power and purpose provided by God from....
1 Thes. 5: 23-24!
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