I am musing about...
Going Back.
The other day I was praying.
I asked God to help us get through this pandemic and get back to how "things used to..."
And then I stopped myself.
Do I really want to go back to how things used to be? Pre-pandemic?
In some ways, yes.
But in other ways, no.
Do you?
What do we want different, changed, altered?
How have we grown through this?
Hopefully, this experience will not be lost on us or on our relationship with our God.
Let's honestly answer these questions.
Am I more thankful?
Do I feel less entitled? Or am I at least recognizing times when I may struggle with this?
Am I more patient? More understanding of others and the hard situations many find themselves in?
Do I value our first responders, our health care workers, our police force more then I used to?
Am I more prayerful for them?
Do I take my health less for granted?
Am I more thankful for the gift of travel?
Am I more aware of the fragility of life and lifestyle?
Do I value more greatly the gift of assembly? The joy of corporate worship?
Am I more appreciative of the opportunities that our technological advances have provided like Zoom, Facetime and podcasts?
Am I more grateful for the jobs that our teachers do? More aware of their challenges? More prayerful for them each day?
Do I have a greater appreciation for my spiritual leadership, those in my community who have navigated this time with intentionality and wisdom, who have done their best to help us through?
Am I thankful for the scientific advances that God has provided that allows for research and the development of vaccines and therapeutics to aid with the realities of a pandemic?
And on the realistic flip side...
Do I mourn the days when we could make flight plans and not be concerned that the flight time may be significantly altered, or worse, possibly cancelled?
Do I wait in lines at the grocery store (because of staff shortages) that are much longer then usual and struggle with the feeling that "I shouldn't have to do this, it didn't used to be this way, I am entitled to better then this?
Am I upset at the gas prices, frustrated that we have to wait so long for new furniture to come or for our vehicle to get fixed? Am I concerned about the inflationary prices that are hitting the market, the supplies that are dwindling, the effects on our over-all economy?
Do I recognize these feelings as "first world problems" and "signs of an entitlement mindset"? Or then again, do I simply feel that we have gone backwards and lament that the present environment is disappointing, concerning and not a good thing for anyone? That political decisions and national circumstances are taking a devastating toll?
Do I recognize though, that the effects of a pandemic, no matter what the source, plays a huge role in where we find ourselves?
Do I see all of this as God's plan unfolding as the end of time draws increasingly near?
Do I feel compelled to seek, pray for and try to orchestrate positive change? Do I struggle with wondering how involved I should be in the process?
Am I frustrated at how many are seeming to lose sight of the positive aspects of capitalism, the gift that freedom provides, the blessings of being able to "get ahead", recognizing the role that creativity and initiative plays in a society's well being as people are incentivized via the process of free enterprise and capitalism?
Am I maintaining the perspective that we have been "blessed in order to bless"? That materialistic gains should be shared with others, as the Spirit leads (and not as the government dictates).
Yet, am I aware that not all capitalists have this mindset? That there are those in need, those who come from disadvantaged places that may truly be benefited from some government programs?
Am I among the many who are mourning the loss of loved ones who may have been victims of Covid in one way or another? Am I concerned for my own health or that of my loved ones?
Am I tired of Zoom? Frustrated by the lack of the face to face interactions that have seemed to be affected by this season?
Am I fed up with the situation in the schools? The strikes, the questions, the masks, the quarantines, the detrimental effects this all is having on our school children and their education?
Am I concerned about the safety of the vaccines and the reliability of the information that is being shared with us?
Am I missing the way church "used to be"? Noticing maybe a decline in over-all attendance? Missing the small group gatherings, many which have gone towards electronic meetings?
Am I overworked? Underpaid? Tired? Overwhelmed?
Or am I among those who may be more relaxed since I can work from home? More in touch with my family? Am I sensing a greater purpose and meaning to my life?
I would venture to say that the way you answer these questions depends upon your personal reality, where you find yourself, your work situation, where you live, the political climate of your surroundings, the way your personal life and life-style has been effected.
And on Who you looked to. Which Media source you ascribed to. Fox? CNN? A Bible podcast?
For probably the most important question of all is this...How has my relationship with Christ been effected?
How much have I been looking to Him? Leaning on Him? Learning from Him? Trusting in Him?
As children of God, may He help us to navigate this season with greater understanding for others and the circumstances they find themselves in. May we be more patient and be willing to open our minds and hearts and be humbly willing to learn and be taught.
May we not compromise our core beliefs, or allow society's influence to obscure the Truth.
And most of all, may we all be...
TRUSTING IN JESUS more, knowing "He is in control" and He WILL see us through. This world is not our ultimate home, but it is where He has placed us. For now. For this time. May we all be his "hands and feet" (what does that really mean?). May we share His love. May we spread hope and thankfulness. May we keep an eternal perspective while living for Him in our present reality.
May we encourage each other to this end.
May we all examine our own selves, with a heart that is willing to be changed as we grow to become more like Christ, for whom we live!
There are so many things that I just don't know these days. I do not have answers. I am not sure who or what to believe.
Other then in God and His Word.
Here are some things I DO know...
I know we have so so much to be thankful for.
I know that God will see us through.
I know that He is faithful.
I know I have lots to learn and that I am learning lots.
Only He can provide us with clarity.
I love the words of Job. Even in the midst of such extreme personal trials, when he had lost so much and even his comforters were doing a lousy job and feeding him words of discouragement and deceptive reasoning, when he felt misunderstood, and even isolated from His God, what did he say?
"I know that my Redeemer lives and at the last he will stand upon the earth." Job 19:25
He WILL redeem this time. For our good and for His glory.
If we let Him!
That is my hope and prayer for each one of us.
As we look back, on the other side of Covid, hopefully we will not look back from a place of where things "used to be"...
but from a new and better place, a place that has been REDEEMED!
Why? Because we looked to and trusted in our Redeemer, Jesus.
So when that day comes when we can "GO BACK" to our pre-pandemic ways, may we look forward with renewed hope and purpose, and with a heightened appreciation of what we have to LOOK FORWARD to!
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