I am musing about....
Being a Wannabe
Who do you wannabe?
What do you wannabe?
Last evening something fun happened. I was out on our patio sitting at the table, strumming along on my guitar (for my enjoyment only...nothing too amazing for sure!)
All of a sudden a fast winged small creature buzzed by me and started partaking of the nectar from the petunias in the pot on the table before me. What?
Was it a hummingbird? It looked like one. Kind of. Then again it looked like a large moth. That looked like a hummingbird. I wished I had my camera more handy.
So then I did the next obvious thing. I googled it. How fascinating! Seems I had the "rare treat" of spotting a "hummingbird moth"
The article I read called this insect a hummingbird "wannabe".
For some reason, it made me start thinking about being a wannabe vs being comfortable with who we are.
Honestly, these posts are stretching me a bit. I am "putting myself out there". It makes me wonder how they are being perceived and received?
I can tell from the google analytic stats that I have quite a few readers (I see stats only, no names:) ). Thank you!!
It is my hope and prayer that you find these posts to be interesting and encouraging. That they make you think about and ultimately look to Jesus.
It is with a peaceful heart that I post them, feeling comfortable for the most part with who I am. Praying that God will use this blog for His glory.
It is teaching me to be "embrace the way God made me and the thoughts He gives me".
Yet....we are all susceptible to being a wannabe. Wannabe thinner. Wannabe cuter. Wannabe more this or more that. More able to do this or to do that.
And so, I take pause and consider.
Who is it that I ultimately wannabe like? What is my heart's deep desire?
As a child of God, it is to be more Christ-like. More like my loving, caring Savior.
Oh, I have a long way to go. How thankful I am for His grace and the sanctification process which takes us day by day on a personal journey; teaching us to be more like Jesus.
I really wannabe!!
i appreciate your writings, Kath...and appreciate you more that you know...Love,