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I am musing.....

About Truth, these Times and Our Role in it all

These times. These crazy times. In our lifetime...this is all unprecedented.

The world has changed. So much. So fast.

Who do we believe?
What do we believe?

I know. This is all so complicated. So many questions and uncertainties and perspectives and opinions.  The world can confound us. But God is not an author of confusion.

He is our constant. To Him and His Word may we be tethered. Never before have I loved the TRUTH of His Word like I do now. It is the only source of Truth that I can count on through and through.

So, as Christians in 2020...what is our role? How should we respond?

Should we simply sit back and accept what is happening, while always trying to be "salt and light" be vessels of love, peace and honor in the name of Jesus?

Or does the LORD want us to get involved? To become activists? Or at least "influencers"?

Specifically I am thinking about our role in the direction our country is going.

We should pray, vote and pray some more.

The Word tells us that God will place in power whom He wants in power. All to fulfill His plan. The plan that was set in motion at the beginning of time. It seems that the wheels are gaining momentum; spinning more quickly and thus taking us farther then we have ever been before.

Farther, yet closer. Closer to that day of His glorious appearing!!
(I just got done visiting with someone who remarked that we should "Keep up with what is going on, but keep our eye to the sky!)

Today, our freedom appears to be at stake. That would mean that our religious freedom could be compromised. Our ability to share and spread the Gospel as well as to meet for local and personal spiritual edification, worship and encouragement could be effected.

With that in mind...should we be actively pursuing steps to help maintain our religious liberties? Or is this all predicted and bound to occur sooner or later (specifically when ordained by God).

Should we rest in the reality that if our freedoms are limited, that the LORD will sustain us and provide ways to be creative; that His Word would continue to go forth? Should we take courage in the historical evidence that persecution often breeds revival?

What about this mask thing? And this vaccine thing? As a nurse in the health field, I personally can see some sense in wearing masks. After all, surgeons and nurses have been donning masks for years to help prevent spreading potential infection during surgery, etc. But does it completely stop the spread of the virus? Of course not. Is it beneficial? Well, it does create an obvious barrier, so it would seem that  yes, masks can be helpful (obviously some materials and styles are more effective then others). I will be the first to admit to them being a pain; uncomfortable, an annoyance. I am not a fan of fogged up glasses! How often have I tried to lick my fingers before turning a page only to touch...a mask:)

But I know that as Christians, we all would recognize the importance of not being selfish with this. That if we knew for certain that it would be helpful to our neighbors and those we are in contact with...that we would be willing to comply.

It is the question of the efficacy as well as the potential political ramifications that cause many to take pause, and often to resist compliance. And this is quite understandable!

 Do they hinder oxygenation in any way? Do they create an environment which breeds germ growth?
(How I would love to see some relevant and honest studies on this that we can trust, as well as on their effectiveness as a barrier). And if they do cause issues with oxygenation and germ propagation, does that concern outweigh the benefits created by the provision of a germ barrier?

What if "mask legislation" becomes, as many fear, a gateway step for further governmental interventions? Like legislating vaccine acceptance? Are we seeing our freedoms seeping away via one little crack in our American foundation at a time, until one day the entire American reality will quake and life as we have known it will "fall in"?

As God's children seek His face, there will likely be those He uses to speak out, to be active in the process...all in ways that bring Him honor. It might be you. It might be me. May we answer His call looking to Him for grace and guidance. If He does not lay it on our heart to be one of the outspoken ones...we can always lift them up in prayer. Every good cause needs good prayer warriors.

May we not look down on those who handle the situation differently then we feel led to do. But rather may we recognize that God has gifted each of us differently and thus uses us differently in His Kingdom.

I have heard that the people that really get it...are those who admit that they "don't get it". That we "don't know". This is new, novel, unprecedented (in some ways). Let us not be so strong in our perspective that we dismiss other ways to look at it. Let us keep an open mind, all in light of the Gospel, praying for much needed wisdom and discernment. And may all things be done with Godly love.

Covid. What would our founding Fathers say? How would they look at it?

More importantly, what does our Heavenly Father say? How does He look at it?

The WORD says:
"Trust in the LORD with All thy heart, in ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He WILL direct your paths".  Prov. 3:5-6

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. " Romans 13:1

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I (Jesus) have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matt. 28:19

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LOUD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you".  Deuteronomy 31:6

"Be ready always to give an answer to every man that  asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear" 1 Peter 3:15

"They (we) are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share." 1 Tim 6:18

We are to "Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves"  Matt 10:16

So let us go forward, praying for wisdom and discernment.
Let us exemplify the fruit of the Spirit, being His hands and feet.
Let us share and educate that we may vote, being informed and then led by the Spirit.
Let us take comfort that our God reigns and is in ultimate control.
Let us be willing to share and spread the Gospel as He provides opportunity.
Let us be peacemakers, not burying our heads in the sand, but being informed, let us share our heart        and concerns as led by the Spirit.
Let us encourage those who are Spirit led to be more involved, as they are able, using their gifts to
    inform and encourage and educate
Let us not be so outspoken and strong that we fail to see the big picture or get too wrapped up in the
     "things of this earth"
Let us do our part to maintain focus and perspective.
Let us be thankful, going forward trusting in our LORD
Let us keep that eternal perspective, and pass it on to our children and grandchildren. Let us keep our       eyes on Jesus and our Heavenly Home.

And again. Let us take comfort in knowing that our God reigns and is in ultimate control. He knew about 2020 from the beginning! He has already been there, is there today and will be there tomorrow. His Presence is not bound by time. His power is not bound by politics or social events. He is God Almighty!!

And thus to Him...

Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray.


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