I am musing.....
about a day that is gray.
Gray days. They come. Sometimes it seems, they stay.
There is a difference in my book between a gray day and an array of gray days.
One gray day means a day to slow down a bit, a day for maybe more reflection, to read a bit more, bask in the "cozy", to make a cup of tea.
And that goes okay for maybe another day or two.
But once the gray day becomes a gray week....
Well, if you are like me, it can kind of "get to me".
So what's your go to? What distracts you? Helps you?
What helps me?
Reach out to a friend.
Keep busy.
Make goals/lists.
Run to Bloomington/shop/study at a coffee shop (pre-Corona)
Try to bring sunshine to others.
There. Should we not always be about that? Bringing sunshine to others?
If these gray days help to refocus me off my self and my own busy life, is there not great value in that?
And then when God sends a glorious day of bright, beautiful sunshine, does not our heart rejoice?
Even as the gray seasons of life helps us appreciate more those seasons that shine?
Haven't we found that, spiritually speaking, our gray seasons are actually when we are experiencing the warmth of the Son more intimately in our hearts?
So, when the days grow gray, may we all look to the Source of sunshine, and pray for His grace and power. May His Son shine in our hearts and lives!
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