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Showing posts from December, 2022

Happy New Day!

  I am musing about.... wishing you all, my dear readers, a... Happy New Day  AND  a Happy New Year!! There is something about the marking of time that reigns significant within the human spirit!  I think we all appreciate a new opportunity, a chance to reflect and evaluate, an obvious way to acknowledge the passing of time. There is something redeeming about a new year. A new chance. A time to "start over" if you will, to approach life afresh. But there is where I want to take this, dear readers. Are not God's mercies new every morning? Is His grace not there for us each and every day anew?? How good He is! How understanding and generous as He promises, we His struggling creation, to be there for us, time and again, with an outpouring of His "steadfast love" and an abundance of His available help and grace!  He does not give up on us. His love never runs out. It is fresh every morning (actually every moment). It is there for the taking. We just need to humble o...

Preparation (and the best gift of all!)

  I am musing about.... Preparation! I have a feeling that most of you moms are like preparation mode! Preparing our homes for family festivities; planning menues, prepping food, wrapping gifts, making lists, washing linnens, baking goodies, shopping (by car or by click), adding decorating touches here and there...the list goes on. We prepare with excitement and anticipation as we look forward to our door swinging wide open as we welcome our dear ones home. Our minds may be in overdrive and our "candles burning at both ends", but we are motivated by the joy of having our family assembled together once again. So as I take a break from the wrapping, and sit down at my laptop, my mind goes to this idea of "preparation". Am I preparing my heart daily for the time to come, when our King, our Heavenly Father will swing open the glories of Heaven and welcome us each home, into the joys that He has been preparing for us. Does not His Word share that "In my Fath...

Seeing through "newborn eyes"

I am musing about... Seeing through "newborn eyes"! What is it about the wonder and joy of watching a newborn open his eyes and look around, taking in the world around him for the very first time. It grabs at your heart with sweet intensity, it awakens awe.  We just got home from California and being with our son and his family as they welcomed their third child, a precious little boy, Oliver. As I held his cuddly little body (swaddled so tightly and lovingly by his mother), and gazed into his sleeping face, I couldn't help but stare. And stare some more. Just taking it all in. Feeling the love swell inside for this newest member of our growing family! His sisters were taken in as well, oohing, and aahhing, kissing and smiling. Baby brother was here! As I watched his innocent little face, it would contort into the funniest expressions at times. It made me smile and sometimes, even chuckle out loud.  And then his eyes would flutter open, only to quickly close again. A seco...