I am musing about...
Misunderstanding Understanding (the understanding of misunderstanding :) )
We all have been involved in misunderstandings; in being misunderstood.
It is logical to see how this can happen.
We all look at situations according to our own "story", our personal experiences and our own interpretation of life.
There are times we say something, and it is simply taken "the wrong way". There are times someone says something to us, and we take it "the wrong way".
The sad thing is when this misunderstanding goes uncorrected; when it influences behavior, emotions and relationships.
That is why good communication is so important.
That is why prayer is so needful.
Do we pray that God will guide our words and conversations? Do we pray that God will prepare the hearts of those we may plan to speak with regarding a somewhat deep situation?
But then there are those spontaneous, if you will, interactions. Those supposedly harmless statements that somehow cause harm.
If only the person being spoken to could read our minds. Could understand our intent.
How thankful I am that God can read my mind, that with Him there are no misunderstandings. The Truth is that He knows my thoughts and intents even better then I do. The Word says that the "Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper then any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
May we take heart and look to our discerner. May we ask for grace and help as we navigate this life with all of it's potential for conflict and misunderstanding. May we realize that there are some conflicts that are well founded, that go beyond mere misunderstanding and require work and restoration, humiliy on our own part and the extension of grace towards others. For we are all weak, failable, in need of mercy, in need of understanding.
How thankful we are for Him who understands misunderstandings. Our God can provide a bridge and give us His grace to navigate the waters of conflict. He can provide patience in the journey.
How thankful we are for our faithful God, our "misunderstanding understander"!
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