Yay! It survived!
After 12 long, cold days, the sun has come out.
In all its warmth and beauty it has done what we knew it would. As we walk outside we hear the sound of ice, melting and sliding from branches onto the ground below. We see the trees resurrecting once again to their natural and healthy stature.
Oh the power of the sun!
Many times during this past week I looked out the window and wondered if that birch would survive. I abashedly prayed for it, asking God..."If it is your will.....". With everything going on in the world, it seemed almost wrong to ask God for something so simple. But my Bible Study last week reinforced what deep in my heart I knew. God wants us to come to Him with everything; both the big and the small. To "not want to bother him" is to underestimate His power. And His care.
I also told Him, that if it survived I would try to thank Him and think of Him as I looked at that "prayed over" tree in the days to come; a reminder of what it has taught me.
On the days that it looked most precarious, most in jeopardy, I pondered just what it was that was keeping it "hanging on", keeping it from succumbing to the same plight that so many other burdened branches had realized in recent days. "It must be the fact that it is well joined with the trunk, with the roots and the life giving sap within it, I surmised.
You see the analogy already don't you? No need for me to belabor the point.
Thanking God for who He is! Thanking God for His loving Son shining on our lives, and recognizing anew the power of being connected to Him, from whom flows life and blessings!
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